Lily Allen and The Arctic Monkeys both owe their overnight successes to the power of the internet. Future advertising marketing campaigns will have to embrace similar viral marketing tactics to get ahead, said Billy Mawhinney, creative director at Leo Burnett and chairman of the judging panel for the Grocery Advertising Marketing Industry Awards (GRAMIAs) organised by The Grocer and held at The Brewery, Chiswell Street in London this week.

The 12th annual awards, sponsored by Unilever, Danone, Chrysalis Radio, Service Innovation Group, Apeel, Zig Zag and Rexam, were the usual spectacular affair, with stand-up comedian Paul Tonkinson doing a stirling job of warming up the audience.

Mawhinney kicked off the main event, which was hosted by Capital Radio DJ James Cannon, with a speech in which he urged the marketing community to stay abreast of and capitalise on the cultural changes taking place in the musical and media landscape.

He said: "It's impossible to ignore pop acts such as the Arctic Monkeys and their meteoric rise in our ever-changing music and media landscape, a landscape that obviously affects us just as much as everyone else.

"We hear talk about the death of TV and the TV spot, still greatly exaggerated, I feel. The growth of the web, the viral campaign and the seemingly limitless ways of reaching people makes all our jobs more interesting."

He praised the industry for successfully reacting to the challenges posed by the healthy eating debate and legislative pressures. "Thankfully, the GRAMIA Awards, the food and drink industry's premier creative awards, is still encouraging excellence, in both creativity and effectiveness in a category that is under ever-increasing scrutiny and legislation.

"It sounds like David Bowie's song 'Changes', but whatever the changes, thankfully the band, or in our case the brand, plays on."

However, Mawhinney urged creatives not to rest on their laurels. "I would encourage even more great entries next year to help raise the bar again." He went on to thank the organisers and fellow judges. "The GRAMIA awards play a rather unique position in the awards calendar. They are brilliantly organised and a real credit to everyone who worked so hard to bring it all together."

There were a record number of entries to the 11 media categories that make up the GRAMIA Creative Awards (brand experience, consumer PR, direct marketing, national press, outdoor, packaging, radio, recruitment, trade press, trade PR, TV/cinema).

And the judges were highly impressed with the quality of what they saw. The winning entries included those for Ginsters, Pampers, the British Cheese Board, Glenfiddich, Sensations, Birds Eye, Nando's Restaurants, Axa PPP Healthcare, the Big Prawn Company, the Red Tractor and Lynx.

John Gowers, creative and marketing manager for the Big Prawn Company, said: "It's great to be among the movers and shakers of the food and drink industry and really useful to talk to other food and drink brands to see where they're going."

The advertising companies were also celebrating, particularly Bartle Bogle & Hegarty which picked up two awards, one for its "Click" campaign for Lynx in the TV and cinema category, and another for its Birds Eye Truth campaign in the outdoor category.Golden gramia Winners

Brand Experience

Brand Ginsters


Agency Bluestone Design

Brand Experience

Brand Pampers

Campaign Sleep Like a baby

Agency LoewyBe

Consumer Public Relations

Brand The British Cheese Board

Campaign Cheese & Dreams

Agency Harrison Cowley

Direct Marketing

Brand Glenfiddich

Campaign Oddbins mystery

Agency Presky Maves

National Press

Brand Sensations

Campaign Sensations film posters



Brand Birds Eye

Campaign Truth

Agency Bartle Bogle & Hegarty


Brand The Fresh Pasta Company

Campaign The Fresh Pasta Company

Agency P&W


Brand Nando's Restaurants

Campaign Nando's radio ads

Agency Hooper Galton Advertising


Brand Axa PPP Healthcare

Campaign Axa PPP Healthcare street theatre

Agency Lighthouse Adcomms LLP

Trade Press

Brand The Big Prawn Company

Campaign The winning team

Agency John Gowers Desigin Consultant

Trade Public Relations

Brand Red Tractor

Campaign Red Tractor Day

Agency Touch PR

TV & Cinema

Brand Lynx

Campaign Click

Agency Bartle Bogle & Hegarty

Agency Award Winners

Brand Experience



Landor Associates

Direct Marketing

Presky Maves


Work Communications

Trade Press




Consumer Public Relations

Hill & Knowlton

Trade Public Relations

Clarion Communications