Champagne Canard-Duchêne has developed a point of sale package for the off-trade in the autumn. This follows on from the brand's summer advertising campaign that set out the brand's champagne sans formalité' positioning. The PoS pack ­ available for multiples as well as independents ­ includes a window sticker, fridge sticker, posters, leaflets, tentcards and dummy bottles for display. The PoS material features images from the ad ­ one has the strapline "gracefully made" and the other is "disgracefully enjoyable". It wants to attract an AB 25-44 year old audience who are heavy drinkers of champagne (typically five or more glasses a week). Vanessa Kverndal, brand manager at Paragon Vintners, said: "Heavy champagne drinkers often purchase on impulse, so with Canard-Duchêne available already chilled in the fridge and promoted by a fridge sticker, retailers can maximise on these spur of the moment sales." {{DRINKS }}