This is the second time we have been to CRS. We are here to see what's new that we can apply to our 750 sq ft off-licence business. We have bought an ice cream chiller this year.

Michael Clarke,
Cottingham PO Stores, Northamptonshire
I'm looking for a new refrigeration unit for my store and I want to see the new Thin Ice product launched by Wrigley. I've also been on the Christie & Co stand to arrange for a free valuation of my 750 sq ft CTN and village shop. It energises you coming to a show. You do get lonely at times being an independent.

Nayon Khakaria,
Nicks News, Nottingham
I have been coming to the show for 11 years, I don't like to miss it, but I can only afford to spend half a day here. Sunday would be impossible, it is my busiest day. I am looking at ideas for new projects for my 600 sq ft CTN and to see what's going on, especially with Tesco coming on the scene.

Shami (left) and Mohammed Chaudry, Central Services, Nuneaton
SC: It's the new ideas we are after. We are looking into general bakery and fast food because the family owns a fast food outlet plus two forecourts.
MC: We are here because this is the only show for independents.