Monday December 13 £ Brides & Setting Up Home £3.80 from Jan/Feb issue L Private Life Top shelf title, £2.95, m, initial print run 120,000 copies, SoR, MMC CM Spot Jan issue, stickers On sale Tuesday December 14 CM All About Soap Jan issue prizes include Boyzone videos and Christmas hampers; CM wallplanner and poster £ Chat £1.20 for issue dated Dec 22, a special Xmas issue RL Sight & Sound Jan polybagged relaunch issue, increased pagination, supplement, £2.95, Seymour £ Windsurf £3.00 from Jan/Feb issue £ Woman £1.20 for Xmas issue dated Dec 20; £1.50 for millennium issue dated Jan 1 os Dec. 21; £0.64 from issue os Jan 4 £ Woman's Own £1.20 for Xmas issue dated Dec. 20; £1.50 for millennium issue dated Jan 1 os Dec 21; £0.64 from issue os Jan 4 £ Woman's Realm £1.20 for Xmas issue dated Dec. 21; £1.50 for millennium issue dated Jan 1 os Dec 21; £0.64 from issue os Jan 5 £ Woman's Weekly £1.15 for Xmas issue dated Dec 21; £1.50 for millennium issue dated Jan 1 os Dec 21; £60 from issue os Jan 5 On sale Wednesday December 15 £ BirdKeeper £3.00 for Jan 2000 ­ for one issue only CM C&VG Jan issue, calendar SP Computer Arts Special £5.00 special, Future ­ in some areas this Special will be priced £6.00 in a price test CM Disney & Me No 212, glitter stickers £ Echoes £2.00 Dec 18 to Jan 1 issue B Healthy Eating Jan issue, 8 page healthy eating supplement £, OSD Nursing Standard £1.20 for Vol 14 No. 13 (triple issue) B Smash Hits Issue os today is a double Xmas number On sale Thursday December 16 £ Backtrack £3.20 from Jan issue CM Cartoon Network Issue No 17 with a Cartoon Network Fact File and year 2000 diary £ Chloe £1.60 from Jan issue ­ price reduction £, B Cycling Weekly £2.75 for Dec 18 double issue CM Folk Roots (fRoots) Jan/Feb issue, Collectable CDs £ Funland £1.60 from issue No 4 £ Horse & Rider £2.40 from Jan issue CM Internet Made Easy Issue 4, 256 page Essential Net Tips book CM Looney Tunes Special No 11 Xmas special blow paint pen £ Muscle Mag International £3.50 for Jan/Feb issue ­ one issue only CM Powerstation Issue 43, 64 page tips book CM Practical Internet Issue 36, 256 page book on Online Chat CM Rug Rats No 15, Rug Rats figurine CM Teletubbies Special Jan issue, felt finger puppets CM Tom & Jerry No 20, Xmas card kit £ Unity £2.95 from Jan/Feb issue £ Waterways World £2.40 from Jan issue L What Games Machine? Jan cover date, £3.99, Q, Future £ Zoe for Girls £1.60 from issue No 7 On sale Friday December 17 Saturday December 18 £ Air Pictorial £2.85 from Jan issue B Antiques Magazine £1.75 for special Christmas/millennium issue; (three weeks) carries prize competition and TV and radio guide £ Brownie £1.30 from Jan issue £ Buses £2.95 from Jan issue £ Cable Guide £1.95 from Jan issue ­ a price reduction £, OSD Economist Xmas double issue dated Dec 18, £3.50; millennium issue os Dec 24, £3.50; on sale period for these issues will overlap by one week CM F1 Racing Jan issue, CD SP Hello! Millennium Special £9.99 special, MarketForce B Inside Soap Issue 143 has giveaways including Coronation Street videos, Beanie Babies, South Park computer games RL Muscle News From issue No 45, the title will be Folded A4 and have a full glossy front cover, SoR, £1.50 L Organic Living £2.50, m, launch issue cover dated Jan, SoR, organic women's interest, cooking & kitchen, Diamond £, OSD New Statesman £3.95 for triple issue dated Jan 1 CM Patchwork & Quilting Jan issue, WL1 thread net CM Playstation Plus Jan issue, Tomb Raider book £ Preserved Bus £2.60 from Jan/Feb issue OSD Rally Car The annual due today will not be published B Sewing World Jan issue banded colour pattern supplement £ Stamp & Coin Mart £1.95 from Jan issue {{CTN }}