Monday April 8 £ Brides The May/June issue has a cover price increase from £3.90 to £3.95; distribution by Comag £ Dirt Bike (import) Cover price increase from £2.75 to £2.99 from May issue os today; distribution by Comag P Good Housekeeping Competitions in the May issue include £20,000 in cash and trips to Australia; Buy the Best handbag-sized supplement; £2.70; distribution by Comag £ Military History (Import) Cover price increase from £3.25 to £4.60 for the Spring issue on sale today; distribution by Comag CM Scuba World Covermounted 2002 season scuba diving catalogue bagged with this issue; distribution by Comag On Sale Tuesday April 9 CM What Car? What Company Car? guide in time for the new tax year free with this issue; cover price is £3.60; monthly; distribution by Frontline P Heat TV advertising supports this issue; distribution by Frontline; weekly; cover price is £1.45 CM TV Hits May issue on sale today is covermounted with lip gloss and brush and a cosmetics bag; cover price is £1.90 On Sale Wednesday April 10 £ Rolling Stone (Import) Cover price increase from £3.20 to £3.50; distribution by Comag SP Trail Special adventure edition on sale today; cover price is £2.95; monthly; distribution by Frontline SP BBC Good Food Easter Special; distribution by Frontline On Sale Thursday April 11 CM Autosport 64-page Cart Guide free with this issue; cover price is £2.80; distribution by Frontline £ Country Homes & Interiors Price increase from £2.80 to £2.90 £ Your Hair Cover price increase from £2.25 to £2.45 SP Cult Times Special Issue no 21 scheduled to go on sale March 7 is now on sale today; distribution by Comag CM Garden News Free seeds with this issue; £1.20; distribution Frontline CM Katie Covermounted hair bag kit with this issue; distribution by Comag £ Koi Ponds & Gardens Cover price decrease from £3.45 to £3.25 issue no 42 on sale today; distribution by Comag OSD PC Explorer Issue no 23 os today was originally scheduled to go on sale on April 4; distribution Comag CM Teletubbies Special Noo Noo jelly mould with this issue CM Tweenies Ten felt-tip pens are free with this issue £ TV Zone Cover price increase from £3.40 to £3.99; distribution by Comag CM Your Horse Bagged book with this issue; £2.75; distribution Frontline On Sale Friday April 12, Saturday April 13 CM BBC Homes & Antiques Covermounted book with the issue dated May which is on sale today; distribution by Frontline CM Elle Free beauty book with this issue; cover price is £2.80; monthly; distribution by Frontline £ Gear USA (Import) Cover price increase from £3.00 to £3.25; distribution by Comag CM J-17 Free customising kit with this issue; cover price is £2; monthly; distribution by Frontline CM Top Sante Supplement with this issue; monthly; cover price is £2; distribution by Frontline {{CTN }}