Six out of 10 licensees say the smoking ban has had a negative effect on business, according to an online poll.

The poll, run by property agent Fleurets, asked: "What effect has the smoking ban had on your business - positive or negative?" In total 59% answered "negative".

Yaser Martini, executive director at Fleurets, said: "We wanted to run a poll

that reflected the true opinion of those working at the coal face.

"The anonymity afforded to us by the use of the website clearly resulted in a very

honest, if not slightly surprising result given the reports that have recently appeared in the press.

"From a Fleurets point of view, the impact of the smoking ban has actually been a positive one: properties are selling quickly and interest remains exceptionally high in both our corporate and private sales and letting campaigns, such as the one we are currently undertaking on behalf of London Town."