The IGD is arming itself for a fight to win the best young talent over to the grocery industry in the face of mounting competition from other sectors and a dwindling pool of potential recruits. The food and grocery industry employs 16% of the UK's workforce, but it is often overlooked in favour of more fashionable sectors, such as media and computing, according to the IGD. Its new one-stop shop website aims to address misconceptions by giving school leavers, graduates and careers advisers the lowdown on the industry, ranging from opportunities that are available to how to tackle a job application. Company profiles and swot sheets will help candidates prepare for an interview, and another section offers them advice in the event of an unsuccessful application. IGD chief executive Joanne Denney said: "Competition on recruitment will only get fiercer over the next few years because there will be a rise in the number of jobs available. "We must make sure the industry matches the values and meets the aspirations of young recruits, because we need bright and progressive young people." The IGD's website can be found at site. Information is broken down alphabetically by career area, to tell jobseekers what a specific job involves, the skills required, training given and the salary a typical candidate could expect to earn. Safeway chairman and IGD president David Webster said: "I believe the UK food and grocery industry is truly world class. "Pace of change, innovations in IT and logistics means the scope of opportunities is increasing year on year. People always need food ­ it is an attractive option for a lifelong career, in contrast with the likes of companies. "Ultimately careerchoices' will encourage youngsters to join this dynamic sector," Webster said. {{PEOPLE MOVES }}