It's on £5.3bn worth of UK food and has the support of most of the major retailers. But it would seem few consumers are familiar with the Red Tractor farm assurance logo and even fewer use it to influence their shopping behaviour. Research carried out by Defra has found just 16% of 3,600 surveyed consumers recognised the Red Tractor and a mere 6% said they made an effort to buy products carrying it. And it's not just the Red Tractor that commands low awareness and conversion ratings. The RSPCA's animal welfare mark Freedom Food was recognised by just 15% of respondents and only 4% said they shopped for it. The LEAF Marque, which highlights good environmental practice, fared even worse - with just 4% recognising it and less than 1% buying a product because of it. The organisation behind Red Tractor, which is designed to communicate that food production adheres to high standards of safety and animal welfare, moved to defend its mark. "The data is completely at odds with surveys we've done ourselves," said David Clarke, chief executive of Assured Food Standards. "We've had two surveys done in the last few months by IGD which show percentage recognition to be in the high 30s." Despite its apparent poor showing, the RSPCA said it was pleased with the result for Freedom Food. "We have a budget one-thousandth the size of the Red Tractor's and yet there is just 1% between us," said a spokesman. LEAF was unavailable for comment. Not all logos came out badly in the survey. Fairtrade had an 81% recognition rate, with 41% saying they made an effort to buy products that carried it. "Simplicity is our strength," said Harriet Lamb, executive director of Fairtrade. "Everybody agrees with what it stands for and it's an easy way for people to make a difference." Clem Halpin, creative director, Futurebrand, said: "The most effective marks are those with a clear iden­tity which everybody understands." The research comes as The Grocer highlights how many marks are now in the marketplace (p28) - with yet another launched this week (see below). Quiz p28