Sir; I am writing to express my anger and frustration at the publicity once again given to the organisation VIRSA, and its new Rural Shops Alliance. How can this organisation, funded by charitable donation and local government grants, be given any credibility when they have proved they are actively damaging the interests of the independent sector in general and their supposed constituency of village shops in particular? How can an organisation, which has consistently acted as a stooge for the multiple retailers and their cynical manipulation retain any reason to exist? The organisation supposedly exists to promote village shops. I would suggest that they know less than zero about the reality of shopkeeping and probably precious little more about serving the future of the rural economy. These people are actively conspiring with the multiples to hasten the further decline of the independent sector and give free publicity which maintains the "spun" image of the benevolent multiple. These are the very multiples that have used their buying muscle to bully suppliers and ensure that they take trade away from competing independents, whether they be butcher, baker, candlestick maker, greengrocer, newsagent, hardware shop or dry cleaner. The sheer stupidity of expecting to revive the financial fortunes of a failing store by expecting it to sell Sainsbury's own label, having bought it at retail for cost in order to compete, or at insult pricing if any sort of responsible margin is added, is breathtaking. Even then Sainsbury's won't supply any short life products, which could conceivably add to the perception of product range. The service from Somerfield is also cynical and self-serving, deflecting investor attention from their its real financial difficulties. There is a real danger that unless the commercial distortion practised by this naive organisation is exposed, they will gain credibility as a voice in our sector. They are do-gooders who are harming independent interests and those who fund them, whether by donation or the use of taxpayers' money for grants must be made to see the error of their ways. I would urge independent retailers, suppliers, wholesalers and trade associations to treat its overtures for membership with the contempt they deserve. Steve Parfett Managing director, AG Parfett & Sons {{LETTERS }}