Anne Bruce Camelot is behind schedule with its sales improvement programme for underperforming retailers and is blaming the pressures of relaunch. Commercial director Phil Smith said that only 520 retailers had actually begun the 24-week programmes from a shortlist of 1,750. A total of 233 ­ those who started in phase one of the programme in January ­ will be thrown out if they have failed to hit sales targets of £1,500 a week by July 21. Post Office outlets will be included for the first time when a third batch of underperforming retailers is identified in August. Smith said Camelot would for now observe the status quo in terms of the balance of terminal distribution, keeping 60% of its 35,000 outlets in independent stores, and 40% in the multiples. But he added: "We are duty bound to invest where there is most sales potential." Camelot intends to boost ticket sales by spending most at the stores which sell the most tickets ­ primarily supermarket outlets. Smith said the average multiple sells £7,500 tickets a week, whereas a good independent takes around £3,000. The national lottery operator has also put pilot Lotto terminals into cinemas as it explores ways to develop its business off the high street. Smith said the small scale trial at five cinemas will be used to assess demand outside conventional outlets. Camelot will start selling Instants online by Christmas and Lotto online from next summer with ticket sales remaining slow, despite May's Lotto relaunch. It is pressing ahead with its retailer rally programme for underperforming retailers. The next rallies are in Glasgow on August 4 and 5. Smith urged players and retailers not to pass judgement on the lottery relaunch until work is complete next spring. {{NEWS }}