This was revealed to a packed gathering at his retirement bash last weekend (although he doesn't actually leave the ACS until November 1). What's more, my sources compared the teenage Dixon to The Fonz, and suggested he had cut a swathe through the female members of a Gants Hill youth club before he settled down with the lovely Chris. And so to Cologne­ to the Anuga fair, the world food industry's biggest bash. Thus we had the spectacle of security men pretending to look like buyers. Actually, you could tell the two apart because the buyers had bulges in their jackets ­ caused by their fat wallets. But the great thing about Anuga is that many of us get the chance to spend a couple of nights on an hotel boat on the Rhine. Aside from the fact that you are kept awake all night by the rumbling of passing barges from Holland and that the cabin floods every time the shower is used, it's quite a restful experience. But all that was nothing compared to the UK importer who lost his briefcase, containing his all important order book, in the Rhine when he slipped on the towpath. And then there were the two tired and emotional Scottish executives who took a taxi from Cologne airport to Dusseldorf on Sunday only to find the hotel they were staying in was in Bonn. When they finally reached Bonn, their rooms had gone to someone else. Alas, they're not saying where they eventually dossed down. {{COUNTERPOINT }}