>>consumers and buyers give their views on the latest launches

Deli bake
From: Ginsters

Ginsters has launched sub-brand Deli Bake as a healthier offering in its pastries portfolio. The olive oil-based pastry range, eaten hot or cold, contains 25% less salt and 40% less saturated fat than its standard pastry products. The snacks retail at £1.69 each.
Total score: 33/50

Consumer’s verdict
Lucas Young, Sales manager, 30, London

I have eaten a fair amount of pastries in my time and the packaging of this range gives a clear message of what to expect.

‘Deli Bake’ and ‘made with olive oil’ presents the product as being a bit more special compared to standard pastries.

Eaten cold, the taste of each variety of the Deli Bake range was acceptable although the pastry was rather rubbery. They also looked flat and not particularly appetising.

However, when they were served warm, they looked appealing and crusty and the taste was improved as well.

The one I was not so keen on was the Mozzarella Cheese Salsa flavour which lacked the taste its ingredients promised.

I would buy the product again but not as a cold snack. Unheated they were boring.
Score: 12/25

Buyer’s verdict
Stewart waldie, buying controller, Nisa-today’s

My first impression of these new pastries was very favourable. The packaging looks upmarket and the four new distinctive recipes should create interest in this sector. They will also appeal to the consumer who is looking for something more filling than a standard sandwich.

Of the four, I particularly enjoyed the Pepper Steak with Cheese and the Mozzarella Cheese Salsa. The light pastry complements the substantial ingredients, allowing the full flavour to come through.

The snacks are not very appealing when microwaved as the pastry turns rather soggy.

This should be a successful launch based on the top quality ingredients and distinctive-tasting recipes, especially when supported by the planned national advertising campaign.
Score: 21/25