How can you best promote your products on a shoestring budget?

Jeremy Martin
Marketing director, For Goodness Shakes

You need to know your brand's target with absolute precision. There is no such thing as a product for everyone so if you haven't got a lot of money you've got to make sure you are targeting the main consumers. When you start a business it's about aiming with pinpoint accuracy.

If the product is aimed at men you need to think about who they are, what they do in their spare time, what they think. If it's children, you need to establish what age group they will be and whether you are actually targeting them or their mothers. Only then can you decide the best way to target people.

Our brand is masculine, healthy and predominantly aimed at men so we have chosen to target specific magazines such as Men's Health and have teamed up with the Metro newspaper to target football players, gym-goers and marathon runners.

Peter Farquhar
MD, Dorset Cereal

You need to play to your strengths and make sure you pick the most suitable method for your company. When we started we decided not to advertise because many people don't like it and because it doesn't form a good enough relationship with customers.

But, as we grow, we are thinking about whether we need to change our attitude. Our marketing devices so far have been sampling and using our website. The website is a powerful marketing tool but many fmcg companies are yet to wake up to this. We are being more conventional and running on-pack competitions for the first time, but you can only enter via our website.

We also have to do PR but we are not big enough to do it internally. That said, it is useful being a small company because you can pick the best people to do it for you.