More than 8,000 advance orders have been received for Careers in Food & Drink 2005, The Grocer’s comprehensive guide to careers for graduates in all sectors of the food industry.
Interest in the magazine, which is published on Monday (October 11), has risen dramatically. Last year preliminary orders were 2,000.
Universities, careers offices and secondary schools have already requested copies as well as students and graduates who have directly contacted The Grocer’s recruitment ad desk.
Elaine Marshall, The Grocer’s recruitment advertising director, said: “Cifad has really taken off in the last 12 months and careers libraries say there is nothing like it available.”
The 68-page brochure, which
is in its third year of publicaion, contains an enlarged section on the top UK food and drink companies, which now features the leading 200 businesses, their graduate training schemes and contact details. New features include a section on international career opportunities with global import-export businesses.
A ‘where are they now?’ section charts the progress of a few of the job-seekers who found work through Careers in Food & Drink (Cifad) last year. And View from the Top looks at how leading members of the food and drink industry got where they are today.
The publication is being promoted across the UK at graduate careers fairs and universities’ internal fairs this month and next.
It is also linked to the website which will be regularly refreshed in the coming year. In March the Convenience Retailing Show will devote an area to Cifad called Cifad Live.
Rod Addy