Rod Addy Unwins is planning to convert 300 of its 400 UK stores into food and wine shops. The plan is to reposition the company, because the off-licence sector is in decline. However Unwin's chief executive David Wetz denied the move meant the company would compete with c-stores, saying the intention was to create a new store category: "We're looking for a point of difference and a niche in the marketplace." He admitted convenience offered great opportunities, but said it was still considering its options: "It is an evolving process. I do not want people to think I have closed the book." A shop in East Grinstead has been stocking a full range of c-store products for some time and another in Tunbridge Wells offers speciality cheeses, hams and patés. Unwins is also preparing a major category management programme to create unique product offerings for each shop. Spectra UK is developing the scheme based on demographic and lifestyle data from parent company Claritas' National Shoppers Survey. Spectra has worked with four of Unwins' major suppliers over eight weeks to match data with store sales. Unwins claims it is the first major analysis of its kind by a UK specialist wine merchant. The drinks chain said it would confirm results by analysing the response to a targeted leaflet campaign launched this week to advertise regional promotions. Chris Wetz, head of purchasing and supply, said: "We have been working towards a tailored approach to category management." {{NEWS }}