French producer Vinival is hoping to ignite shopper’s interest in the branded arena with a range of wines from the Loire region.
La Loire de Vinival is aimed at simplifying French wines by using an umbrella brand name to support a set of seven wines typical of the area.
Intended to reflect consumers’ growing affinity with brands, which has fuelled a massive surge in the amount of New World wine sold, the range includes a Vouvray and a Touraine Sauvignon. They
will retail for between £4.49 and £5.99.
Anne Burchett, Vinival’s UK sales and marketing manager, said: “The Loire region was really popular 15 years ago but it has faded in the public’s perception. We developed the range to be a simple proposition at a good price. There is currently no definitive range from the Loire.”
The launch of the seven-strong range responds to buyers’ warnings that France needs to produce more brands if it is to win consumers back. One buyer at a leading multiple said: “France is still a very important part of the market and I can’t wait to see a well thought out branded proposition.”