
The future of the Guinness brewery in Dublin was called into question this week after owner Diageo said it would be reviewing its Irish operations. No decision would be made for at least six months, according to The Times, but it said that production was likely to be switched to a greenfield site outside Dublin.


The Financial Times carried a story that the entrepreneur Robert Tchenguiz is working on a new proposal to unlock the value of Sainsbury's property portfolio. It said that Tchenguiz's investment vehicle R20 intended to create a 50:50 joint venture with Sainsbury's on its property assets, allowing the supermarket to raise about £7bn of debt, which could be returned to shareholders.


The Observer reported that the babyfood industry has been attacked for persuading parents to give their children food that has been unnecessarily puréed. Gill Rapley, deputy director of the charity's Baby Friendly Initiative and one of Unicef's leading childcare experts, said that spoon-feeding puréed food to children caused health problems in later life.


The slowdown in Tesco's growth does not mean the supermarket giant is running out of steam, despite scaremongering media reports to the contrary, reported the Daily Telegraph. It said that Tesco's 4.7% rise in sales would be a "triumph" for any of its rivals and that the market had overreacted by wiping 5% off the value of the retailer this week.


The Sun hit out at what it called the "crackpot ban" of the advertising slogan 'Go to work on an egg' after the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre said it went against generally accepted advice for egg consumption. The ban was imposed after the egg industry tried to re-run commercials that first used the phrase - devised by Fay Weldon - 50 years ago.