
The famous slogan that Guinness is good for you may be true after all, according to the Daily Express. Researchers at Wisconsin University have claimed that drinking a pint each day may be as effective in preventing hearts attacks as an aspirin because it helps to reduce blood clots. Guinness was ordered to stop using the slogan decades ago.


The Daily Mail has attacked the Food Standards Agency for not imposing a ban on additives that are linked to childhood hyperactivity and has started its own campaign calling for additives to be outlawed. In a report it flagged up confectionery such as Skittles and Haribo Starmix as containing one or more dyes that could harm youngsters.


More than a third of food and drink products tested in the UK last year contained chemical traces, including fruit and veg for schoolchildren, according to the annual report of the Pesticide Residues Committee. The Guardian reported that 60 of the 3,562 samples had residues above the legal limits.


Tesco's recent attempt to present itself as an environmentally friendly retailer has backfired, according to the Observer. It said Britain's biggest retailer had severely underestimated its true contribution to climate change because it does not include emissions caused by shoppers driving to and from its stores or those incurred by its suppliers. Christian Aid said the impact Tesco had on the environment could be nearly 12 times higher than the level it admitted to.


The paper reported that biosecurity breaches at the Institute of Animal Health had contributed to last month's outbreak of foot and mouth disease. A combination of factors, including old leaking drains, flooding and inadequately controlled vehicle movement, probably led to the foot and mouth outbreak from the site in Pirbright, Surrey, it said.