? Shoppers could soon see a new species of fish on the supermarket shelves, according to The Independent. Fishermen, seafood processors and the government have launched a new campaign to reduce the eight million tonnes of fish discarded by fishermen every year. It hopes to tackle the issue of discards, which sees the UK throw back nearly 40% of its catch each year. ? Sir Ken Morrison is reviewing his 10% stake in the £6.9bn supermarket giant that bears his name. His admission will intensify rumours that he will part with his shares once he steps down as chairman in March next year, said The Times, which added that, even if he did opt to sell the company, he would wait for the best time in order to maximise his investment. ? Sainsbury's has terminated a deal with third-party children's clothing supplier Myriad in order to bring its £250m Tu clothing business entirely in-house. The decision to bring the childrenswear production in-house would save the company millions of pounds, said The Express, and was part of its strategy to increase sales by £3.5bn over the next three years. ? Chips and crisp manufacturers were in The Sun's firing line this week after medical experts warned their products could cause Alzheimer's. Traces of chemicals that occur in the foods had been found in victim's brains, according to the paper, which reported that toxicologists from the Albert Einstein College in New York had called for further research. ? Killer bug listeria has been found in smoked salmon on sale at Waitrose. The Daily Mail said the supermarket had suspended all shipments from the supplier and taken all own-label products from the shelves. The bug, which causes the potentially fatal illness listeriosis, was detected during production line tests.
