In the past, I have tried buying brown bread but find it too dry, heavy or overpowering. That's my opinion rather than the children's, but when the children do get a choice they generally choose white over brown. When I first read the packaging, I thought Kingsmill had managed to get all the goodness and wholewheat of wholemeal bread and made it into our much-loved white. However, a closer look told me that they'd only managed one third. Still, that's better than none at all. The children were not overly impressed. Nathan conceded that it looked like half white bread but said it tasted more like brown. His rating was "average", while Megan complained about the "brown bits" and dismissed it as "not very nice". Ric was more positive. Bread is one of his great vices, especially smeared with peanut butter. He really enjoys wholewheat bread but with the rest of us preferring white, he doesn't always get a choice. He looked upon Kingsmill Whole White hopefully as an acceptable compromise, but said the taste was "similar to Mighty White", which he's not so keen on. We recently watched the Kingsmill Whole White ad, with the girl being lowered from the roof, Mission Impossible-style. She's trying to swap the family's snacks for a bowl of fruit in a bid to convert them to a healthier lifestyle. If only it were that easy! I like the idea that the kids are getting some extra fibre at lunch, especially if they don't have cereal in the morning. They'll soon get used to it ­ they'll have to, as, now that I know it's got hidden extras, we will definitely be buying more. {{MARKETING - P&P }}
