Creed Foodservice Brain Food Infographic

Creed Foodservice has launched a new ‘brain food’ menu focusing on healthy options for pupils in schools.

The wholesaler has partnered with specialist dietician Juliette Kellow to craft a menu rich in nutrients and boosting brain function.

The menu, aimed at secondary school pupils, maps out dishes featuring ‘superfoods’ such as whole grains, spinach, dried fruit, salmon and yoghurt.

With over 50 years’ experience working with the education sector, Creed created the menu to take the lead on improving school food options.

The majority (94%) of people working in secondary school catering believe that pupils consuming nutritious food learn better, according to a survey conducted by the wholesaler in partnership with 3Gem Research.

The survey also found that only 14% of parents believe their child eats well at school, and 96% would like to see schools provide dishes rich in nutrients and supporting brain function.

“We wanted to understand what those on the frontline – who are with the children every day, whether that’s at home or at school – are seeing, and it’s clear how strongly linked nutrition and learning are,” said Creed insights manager Anna Clapson.

“If pupils don’t eat something nutritious and filling before or during school, the vast majority say concentration is affected negatively, followed by mood and energy levels, behaviour, and ability to learn.”

Business development chef who co-created the new menu, Rob Owen, added: “Half the battle for schools isn’t just encouraging children to eat the right food at breakfast and lunchtime, it’s getting them to eat a proper meal full stop.

“So the challenge for schools is how they marry what pupils want with budgets and standards. We’ve done the legwork for them, and our Brain Food menu offers dishes in formats that pupils want to eat, that are cost-effective and are simple to prepare and serve.”