Sir; re Richard Rickard's letter (The Grocer, September 29) regarding sale-or-return on Easter eggs. At Cadbury Trebor Bassett our objective is to help independent retailers develop the total Easter confectionery category. To do this we advocate that retailers stock a focused and representative range of the bestselling Easter eggs from all manufacturers in order to optimise their sales and satisfy the needs of their consumers. For one manufacturer to offer sale or return as Rickard suggests could, in our opinion, lead to a distortion in the way retailers make their buying decisions and would jeopardise the marketing-led rationale of a retailer stocking the right products that the consumer expects to see. For some years Cadbury Trebor Bassett has worked with independent retailers and major wholesale distributors to develop a range of category-led solutions consisting of industry planogrammes, point of sale material and support packages including consumer value-led promotions. Chris Morgan Customer relations director Cadbury Trebor Bassett {{LETTERS }}