Wine importer and distributor Mentzendorff has undergone significant restructuring in response to the growth of the business in 2002.
Andrew Hawes, who has worked for the company for six years, becoming sales director in 1999, has been promoted from sales director to deputy managing and sales director.
Simon Leschallas has become trade relations director. Jonathan Stevens has been promoted to marketing controller and Heather Messam, who reports to Stevens, has become port brands manager, responsible for brands including Croft.
Nicky Schubach is now finance controller and Justin Liddle has been promoted from NAM to general sales manager. French wines manager Kristin Neary has assumed additional responsibility for the recently signed Burgundy brand Chanson Pere & Fils.
MD Bill Page said: "We have had a record year with our key brands and our young team have really delivered and are deserving of more responsibility."