This article is part of our 2016 Hot Beverages digital feature
Tea – it brings the nation together. But how much do the nation’s tea preferences tell us about the drinker’s social standing? We’ve teamed up with Kantar Worldpanel to find out…
When looking at everyday black tea, the percentage of spend split is fairly equal with those classed as C2DE accounting for 52% of the spend. The gap widens though when we look at fruit & herbal and speciality bags, with ABC1s spending nearly twice as much as C2DEs on alternative and speciality brews.
The divide is also prominent in coffee. While the percentage of spend if split fairly evenly for coffee in total, premium and even coffee pods, other areas show a clear divide. ABC1s are twice as likely to splash out on roast & ground coffee and organic coffee. While C2DEs spend more on regular and powder coffee.
Previous article: Reading the tea leaves: What does the future hold?
Next article: Coffee pods: Are manufacturers doing enough to recycle them?
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10 Things You Need To Know About... Hot Beverages
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Class divide: What your tea says about your social standing
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