Organic producer Helen Browning has produced a nitrite-free salami aimed at consumers looking for food with nothing added. Nitrites were originally adopted to allow safe curing in the absence of reliable refrigeration and the company had been looking at ways to remove them for several years, said Browning.

“Our new salami is preservative-free, made from our own pigs and three other farms in the south west of the country,” she said. “The result is achieved by artisan skills rather than adding nitrite curing salts and only reduces shelf life by five days.”

The organic salami had a mild taste and was well-suited to kids’ lunchboxes, she claimed, adding that the company was in talks with retailers over listings. The salami is one of four new lines in the Helen Browning range of organic deli meats and convenience foods. The others are: Smoked Ham; Pancetta Cubes; and Speedy Burgers.
