Kellogg UK has announced the appointment of Kevin Brownsey as its new UK sales director.

Brownsey, who takes up his new role on July 3, joins Kellogg from Coors Brewers where he was off-trade sales director.

Brownsey has been in that role since May 2003 when he replaced Chris Edger. He was previously HR and communications director and has held a number of senior and marketing posts at Coors.

These include multiple retail sales director for Coors' take home division, sales and marketing director for Bass Beers Worldwide and on-trade sales MD of Bass Brewers North. During his time at Coors, Brownsey worked on a number of projects including Carling's £14m investment in football-related activity to coincide with the World Cup, announced last month, and the launch back in March last year of a lager can that cools the contents as soon as it is opened.

In his new role, Brownsey replaces Jim McNeill who will resume his position as sales director for the Kellogg Company in Ireland.

Tony Palmer, Kellogg UK managing director, said: "It's great to have Kevin on board and I am sure the UK sales team will benefit from his wealth of knowledge, skill and experience."

He added: "It is the people here at Kellogg that make this business such a success and I am confident Kevin will be a valuable addition to our UK team."