Retail & Wholesale

  • Roast Mutton: the butcher’s built on a passion for local

  • What does the junk food ad ban mean for marketeers?

  • Why specialist retailers and suppliers attend the Farm Shop & Deli Show

  • Can Asda catch up on loyalty with Cashpot for Schools scheme?

  • How Amit Chitnis helped Ocado Retail rediscover its mojo

  • Why Waitrose is turning its focus to convenience again

  • Refills, riots and cats: this month in grocery on TikTok

  • Freda’s Peanut Butter: the Cornish brand with a drive to succeed

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  • Business rates relief is welcome, but high streets need a new culture

  • Panorama’s price match probe is misleading tosh

  • After damning Post Office report is it really ‘good times ahead’?

  • Tesco ad does meal deal debates IRL

  • Asda and Post Office resignations show it’s tough at the top

  • Mohsin Issa’s departure hammers home need for Asda CEO


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