New York-based technology dorkfest CE Week has thrown light upon a bold new drink-lovers’ device from Fizzics, a company based in New Hampshire.

The device - named for its maker - promises to make even the most boring beer into a delicious-tasting craft draught. Wangle the Fizzics tube into a bog-standard can of beer, and the machine adds gas and what it troublingly calls ‘proprietary fluid’ to enrich pour, mouthfeel, aroma and taste - adding a creamy head for good measure.


Not convinced? The product’s website carries the persuasive tagline ‘It’s scientific!’, which should put to bed any ideas you had of simply starting off with a nice-tasting beer. If you’re a cheapskate on a grand enough scale, it could be worth a punt.

There is of course another, far simpler, way of making any old beer seem like it’s been ‘crafted’. Just charge £5 for a pint of it.