Morrisons remains at the top of the retailer chart, although Asda leaps into second spot with a New Year surge driven by promotion on alcoholic drinks. Somerfield is again last in the ranking although it has increased share during this period.
Morrisons is strong on alcoholic drinks and has a number of floor stacks devoted to price promotions on spirits and bogofs on beer.
New Year celebrations put alcoholic drinks at the top the category charts and soft drinks overtakes confectionery at number two as stores begin to remove extra space on Christmas confectionery packs. Again Morrisons drives this change by carrying bogofs on 2-litre and can packs across many well known brands including Coca-Cola, Lilt, Dr Pepper and Schweppes. Stella Artois reclaims top spot in the brand chart this week with more than 17% of the activity, while Carlsberg and Cadbury are not far behind.
The brand chart this week has a definite party' feel to it. Alcohol, soft drinks, snacks and confectionery all conspire to bring good cheer to the multiples this new year.
Again each of the top three brands have a number of gondola end and floor stack sitings. Grolsch moves up one spot to number nine in the brand chart, adding to the dominance of alcoholic drinks in the category ranking along with Stella and Boddingtons. Bisto creeps in at 10, driven by a sidestack in Asda and an off fixture display in Somerfield.
In the own label chart snacks knock the stuffing out of meat and take over first spot. The party atmosphere is evident with soft drinks also entering the chart.