It has been a summer of discontent for Asda in The Grocer 33 with no wins on the customer service board and Morrisons controlling the pricing survey. But the long-running winner of our cheapest retailer award has returned, banishing Morrisons to fourth place and providing, by some distance, the cheapest basket after a six-week absence. Asda's £41.31 basket contained 11 items that were cheaper than any other retailer. It made a host of price cuts this week, including 28p off its Cadbury Dairy Milk and 23p off the Wall's Viennetta. It also sold Mr Muscle bathroom cleaner for 24p less. Asda would have widened the gap between its winning total and other retailers further had it not added 50p to its own-label shower gel. Sainsbury's, although in second place, continued its climb towards the cheapest position with a £42.91 basket. It offered the cheapest shower gel on the list and also matched Asda's prices for 17 items. Tesco's £43.51 total was considerably more expensive than Sainsbury's and it didn't make as many price cuts as Asda and Sainsbury's this week. However, it lowered its Mr Muscle bathroom cleaner by 26p to make it the joint cheapest on the list alongside Asda. With a hefty £45.20 basket this week, Morrisons four-week run as the cheapest retailer has ended. It cut the price of Cadbury Dairy Milk by 9p but ruined its chances of securing a higher position by adding £2 to the price of its Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon - the second most expensive on the list at £5.98. It is all change at the other end of the list with Somerfield and Waitrose swapping places for the first time in five weeks. Waitrose lowered its Hardys Shiraz wine by £1, which saw its shopping basket fall to £53.13 , but still provided 11 of the most expensive items on the list. Somerfield, with a £53.99 basket, made no significant price cuts this week. It increased the price of its Birds Eye garden peas by 49p peas and Hardys Shiraz wine by 20p.