Long reads – Page 254
Analysis & Features
Sign of the times: Birds Eye wins with Mashtags
Launched by Birds Eye in February, the launch of Mashtags quickly went viral…
Analysis & Features
The Grocer Top New Talent list 2014
The Grocer reveals the 33 super-talented individuals on the list this year
Analysis & Features
Stunt of the Year: Jura scores with viral campaign
Google Maps accidentally erased the Scottish island of Jura…
Analysis & Features
Vote of the year II: role for food in Scottish independence
Food and drink took centre stage in the vote for Scottish Independence following “secret meetings”…
Analysis & Features
Vote of the year I: Co-op proof turkeys can vote for Christmas
Euan Sutherland had branded The Co-operative Group “ungovernable”. And you could see his point…
Analysis & Features
January - March
Four years after Netto disappeared from the UK (when Asda bought its 194 stores for £778m)…
Analysis & Features
Top Products Survey 2014: Total War
The price war has gone nuclear. Morrisons dropped the bomb in March, issuing the mother of all profit warnings as it slash…
Analysis & Features
April - June
The mischievous return of the turkey twizzler appeared to beckon as Bernard Matthews…
Analysis & Features
Confectionery: sweets dodge bullets in the war on sugar
For a category directly in the firing line of the war against sugar, confectionery is looking surprisingly unscathed…
Analysis & Features
Savoury pies & meat snacks: brands make the running
For players operating in a category that goes against key food trends such as health, weight loss and carb reduction…
Analysis & Features
October - December
A bleak month for Tesco with three more senior management execs suspended…
Analysis & Features
Fresh fruit & veg: Lettuce takes greatest hit in veggie war
Fresh produce is a major weapon in the war between the discounters and the major mults, and the damage is plain to see…
Analysis & Features
E-cigarettes: vaping craze transforms e-cig market
The e-cigarette category is not only one of the most controversial and talked-about categories in grocery right now…
Analysis & Features
Jams & spreads: Nutella wins in a slow year
What sugar debate? Spreads seem unscathed by the controversy over Britain’s expanding waistlines…
Analysis & Features
Dairy drinks: all churned up in the milk sector
More than £100m wiped off the own-label milk market and a non-dairy brand now the third-biggest milk brand…
Analysis & Features
Cosmetics: lipstick drives beauty sector boom in sales
The beauty sector has put in a sparkling performance, with value up 6.1% on volumes up 4%…
Analysis & Features
Falling raisin prices mean cheaper Christmas puds
There’s been much talk recently about Christmas dinner becoming cheaper and the pud is no exception…
Analysis & Features
Rant of the year: Sir Ken attacks Dalton Philips in ‘bullshit’ rant
Everyone was expecting Sir Ken Morrison to give Dalton Philips a tongue-lashing at the Morrisons agm in June…
Analysis & Features
Social Animal of the Year: Lidl's Ronny G on a charm offensive
When we used the word ‘offensive’ of Lidl in the past, we weren’t being complimentary…