Morrisons - Latest News and Analysis – Page 138

  • News

    Safeway launches a further attack on suppliers' purses


    Exclusive Julian Hunt Safeway has come up with a new wheeze to squeeze huge sums of cash out of suppliers. At the end of last year the multiple ran into a storm of protest when it asked manufacturers to stump up £20m to support its 1,000 ...

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    Alnwick wrangle ends in compensation


    A settlement has finally been reached in a lengthy and costly row that blew up after the government rejected plans for a Safeway superstore on land bought from the Duke of Northumberland. The Duke has agreed to buy back at an inflated price 12...

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    the winners and losers


    l Morrisons: In the seven weeks to January 9, sales 19.5% higher than the corresponding year. Like for likes up 15.1% l Tesco: In the seven weeks to January 8, total UK sales up 8.8%. Like for like sales up 5.5% with sales volumes up 4.5% l...

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    No more Mr Nice Guy


    That Dino Adriano is a nice guy is not in doubt. The problem ­ as Safeway's Colin Smith found out last year ­ is that being nice counts for nowt when your rivals are getting nastier by the day and your business is going south. Like Smith, Adriano...

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    Safeway working on peace with farmers


    Safeway has pledged to work with the National Farmers' Union to develop a code of practice for future supplier initiatives following the uproar caused by its 1,000 Line Availability Focus campaign. The supermarket chain told the NFU it was...

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    Ahold still eyeing UK move


    Dutch giant Ahold, which failed in a bid for Safeway in the 1980s, is still interested in moving into the UK market, according to president Cees van der Hoeven. Speaking at the Global Retailing Conference, organised by the IGD and Food from...

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    Arise, Sir Ken not bad going for a market lad!


    Ken Morrison, the executive chairman of Wm Morrison Supermarkets, joined the ranks of Richard Branson…

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    Hardy fury at £2.49 Stamp


    Deep price cutting by Safeway on the Stamp wine range prior to Christmas forced BRL Hardy to hold back supplies. A spokesman for Hardy said the multiple brought the price of the Stamp Chardonnay Semillon down to £2.49 in some stores. "We had not...