Independent retailers have again been warned that Sunday trading restrictions are under threat after it emerged Safeway held talks with the Home Office about relaxing the regulations on Christmas Eve this year. Federation of Wholesale Distributors director general Alan Toft warned: "As far back as May the Federation was the only trade association talking to the Home Office about this issue. "They denied any discussions about Sunday trading were taking place, but this news from Safeway suggests they were. "The Federation has given the industry the wake-up call on this issue promising the mother of all campaigns. Toft added: "This has resulted in the Home Office refusing to listen to the siren calls from Safeway." However, a Safeway spokeswoman denied there was any interest in relaxing Sunday trading restrictions generally. She said: "We didn't wish to trade any more than the six hours allowed on the Sunday that is this Christmas Eve. "But for the convenience of customers and staff we wanted to operate from 9am to 3pm. "However the Home Office informed us that it would require primary legislation to amend the rules so the idea was dropped." Toft said: "Thanks to the FWD, independents can now begin to plan their biggest ever Christmas bonanza with the superstores closed at 4pm on Christmas Eve." The same restrictions will affect opening hours on New Year's Eve. Toft issued a challenge to the chairmen of the major multiples to clear up the issue of Sunday trading. He said: "The best thing that could happen would be for them to issue statements saying they were happy with the status quo and they would never try to get the law repealed. "This would enable the sector to to settle down in the knowledge that Sunday was independents' day for ever." {{NEWS }}
