Keeping on top of the latest developments in the Safeway auction frenzy is not easy ­ neither is getting a handle on the possible implications for the grocery market.
But help is at hand. The Grocer has teamed up with industry experts to run a seminar on the Safeway saga. The half-day seminar ­ which we are calling What Price Safeway? ­ takes place at the Intercontinental hotel in London on February 12.
The content is aimed at all those who will be affected by the fallout from the last big deal in British grocery.
The Grocer's editor Julian Hunt will begin proceedings with a presentation of the latest developments in the auction and outline the views of the industry's leading magazine.
Former Somerfield boss, and Littlewoods chairman, David Simons will then offer a retailer's perspective on the issues raised by mergers, discussing whether they ever can be made to work.
Ed Garner, from Taylor Nelson Sofres, will use the latest market share data to highlight the relative strengths and weaknesses of each bid.
Ian Goodliffe, from consumer demographic specialists CACI, will provide a view on the key issue of store overlaps. Mike Dennis, from CAI Chevreux, will also give the City view.
Places at the seminar are limited. For more information call Jo Williams on 01293 610398.
>>p18 ­ an update on this week's developments

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