One reason for British beef producers' opposition to a ban on imports from France is their belief a more cautious approach could help achieve a recovery in exports from this country, and it seems the government agrees. Agriculture minister Nick Brown reports "an incredibly sympathetic" response from the European Commission to his requests for granting official low BSE status to Northern Ireland, and industry leaders reckons relaxation of the highly restrictive Date Based Export Scheme limiting exports from British plants is possible if London avoids any actions open to criticism as against the spirit of EU law. UK officials are currently working in Brussels to get the French ban on the import on Brtish beef lifted. They want the same standards applied to the French ban as those which the recent council of agriculture ministers' meeting agreed should be applied against countries banning the import of French beef. The ministers agreed that the bans should be considered by the European Union veterinary experts and if found unjustifiued should be lifted. UK farm minister Nick Brown made it clear shortly after the meeting that he wanted the same rule applied to the French ban on British beef. The French, he argued, are quite clearly applying national measures which come into the same category as those threatened by other EU countries against France. "The scientific assessment shouldn't take too long, as all the facts have already been ascertained," Brown said, "But if they want us to re-submit our evidence, we'll gladly do so." {{MEAT }}
