Age profile of mackerel consumersnMackerel was eaten on 59 million occasions last year, growth of 5% year-on-year.
n70% is eaten by the 45+ age group
n35% is eaten cold
n44% is consumed for health reasonsA fish popular with older consumers and healthy eatersMackerel has an older consumer profile: the 45+ market not only accounts for 70% of its consumption, but is also 34% more likely to eat it than any other fish.
These consumers are much more concerned with health and nutrition and mackerel is a food strongly linked to healthy eating. Consumers aged 45+ increased their consumption of mackerel by 6% year-on-year.
The 25-34 age group is actually increasing consumption of mackerel at the fastest rate - up 91% year-on-year. However, this age group still only accounts for 8% of all consumption.
Mackerel’s reputation as an excellent source of nutrients means it is twice as likely to be consumed for health reasons than any other fish.
Convenience is key: 45% is smoked, a format ideal for a convenient meal. Grilling accounts for 20% of hot meals.
The evening meal accounts for 52% of consumption. This is an important occasion for overall fish consumption, with 50% eaten at this time. However, lunchtime is up 13% year-on-year, with a third consumed at this time.
Although Friday is the traditional day for eating fish in this country, mackerel is more likely to be consumed early in the week when consumers tend to eat more healthily.
Laura Wilson, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to May 2005.
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