Rank Hovis, the RHM-owned flour miller, is planning a multi-million pound investment in four of its sites, while announcing proposals to close its Hull facility. The Selby, Manchester, Southampton and Gainsborough mill investment is in addition to £13m already spent in upgrading facilities.
The company has now entered into consultation regarding Hull, which is set to cease operating in early 2006. A spokeswoman for RHM, which owns brands such as Hovis and Mr Kipling, said Hull would require substantial capital investment if it were to be modernised. Closure would lead to a possible loss of 41 jobs.
Sales and marketing director Jon Tanner said the investment in the other sites was crucial to Rank Hovis’s future.
Last month, trade union Amicus stepped in to assist in a dispute between RHM and staff over pensions. Workers balloted in favour of strike action, but consultation is still ongoing.
