And farmers' milk prices have continued to drop in July and August.
The June returns to dairy farmers were below the level of two years ago.
At that time low prices caused widespread protests from farmers and a severe cut in winter milk production.
The drop brought offers from a number of retailers to pay more for their milk, if the cash went back to farmers and helped avert a crisis.
However, industry watchers are warning that a new risk is emerging for the coming months, particularly as farmers' milk prices do not look like improving in the near future.
Fresh factor
ups peach prices
Action by Greek and Spanish peach packers has driven their selling prices well above last season, despite a stand by UK buyers.
The turning point was the confirmation that Greek growers were diverting more of their fresh fruit to the fresh market, which recognised that availability was about 20% down on last year.
UK buyers were eventually forced to capitulate after European discounters accepted the rise.
Overhanging the lengthy negotiations was the possibility that South Africa could be a major player when new season packing starts in January next year, due to its currency weakness.

Sardine catchhit by cooler seas
Bad weather in Portugal is having a negative impact on sardine fishing. At this time of year, fishing should be at its peak, with the sardines in their prime.
However, experts say that the sea temperature is 5º below normal, and this is causing the fish to migrate to warmer waters out of range of the fishing vessels.
The issue of El Ni񯠧ets a mention each time the matter is raised with canners, but there is evidence that the supply problem is local to the Atlantic and over a relatively small area.

Pilchard supply dip forces rises
Pilchard supply problems are forcing buyers to source from more expensive countries.
Namibia is not producing, Peru has no surplus to offer, and indications are that it will be some months before things return to normal.
In the meantime, buyers are having to obtain product from South Africa, where prices are higher thanks to a 12.5% duty.
Limited product is coming out of Morocco but, as with sardines in Portugal, poor fishing is hampering full production.
Retail prices have risen but may go higher yet. Importers are predicting that the shortage will run until well into next year.

