Birds Eye is putting £2.6m behind the launch of two new frozen chicken products, Honey & Mustard Chicken and Thai Chicken. The products, rsp £1.99, will be pitched as having real food values and ingredients even though they are frozen. Birds Eye aims to build on its Chicken Chargrills brand which was launched in 1998 and created the uncoated poultry sector. It believes the new flavours are popular and non polarising and will encourage consumers to eat more chicken more often. The Chicken Chargrills range is getting new packaging with clearer photography and recipe suggestions, again to push the real food values. The tone of the ad campaign ­ on TV, radio and in the consumer press from the middle of October ­ aims to be cheeky. Targeting young adults, it shows scenarios where a man woos a women with detailed descriptions of what he is cooking that evening. The strapline is Altogether more tempting'. {{P&P }}