craft beer

Sir, An interesting view on the role of big brewers in craft beer (Hot Topic, 16 July, p3) - though I disagree. In part because I’m not sure I share your confidence in the motives of big businesses and in part because I’m not so sure there is a continuous ‘thirst for exciting new beers’. I’m a big fan of beer - especially when well-made and flavoursome. A good (authentic) story, well told, can add to the intrinsic quality of the product. But will there really be growing demand for as long as producers of all scales offer something ‘new’? Maybe the mantra of continued growth through innovation is flawed - maybe we have a prompted appetite for novelty/discovery that lasts for a while and then runs its course - formerly cider, presently craft beer, soon to be authentic or craft gin? If true, then some big producers participate to get a piece of the action and then use their scale to keep or grow share in a contracting market. Product reformulation follows, so profits do not diminish at the same rate as sales - sadly.

Simon Russell, founder, Inside Media