Welsh meat is to be featured in television adverts for the first time as part of a £600,000 campaign by Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) that uses lines of poetry.
The advertisements feature a Dylan Thomas-style voiceover and will go out on HTV, S4C, Central TV and Channel 4 in commercial breaks during programmes such as Property Ladder, The West Wing and Tales from River Cottage, starting on November 1.
The promotion is designed to “establish the brand and re-establish awareness of Welsh lamb on a wider basis” said Stewart Pope, Meat Promotion Wales’ marketing manager.
“This is the first time something like this has been done since the devolved bodies have been in existence.
“Prior to the devolvement of the Meat and Livestock Commission, the advertising was for British lamb or beef.
“Now we are out there to promote Welsh lamb in the way our colleagues are promoting their own projects.”
