Karen Salters, Beverage Brands marketing manager, says the team, which reports directly to MD Joe Woods, is responsible for consumer and trade marketing for the WKD brand in the on and off-trade. Individuals within the team enjoy a close relationship of equals. "Beverage Brands has a flat hierarchy. We're people, not numbers," says Salters.
The team is solely responsible for marketing strategy and does not need to consult the board for approval of its ideas. Salters explains: "This way, we are able to make fast, informed decisions."
The team's latest brand to market is WKD Original Vodka Silver, a clear citrus flavoured variant of the initial WKD product which was launched this month. First results are encouraging, but the group is tracking ongoing performance. Salters adds: "Our mission for the next 12 months is to ensure Silver receives focused support and is another great seller for the trade. To this end, we will continue with targeted advertising, which is in tune with our consumer."
As far as other products are concerned, Salters says WKD Iron Brew and Blue are now both firmly seeded as two of the top selling RTD flavours.
Figures for July and August put the WKD brand in third position by volume. It is also the number three RTD brand within multiple grocers [ACNielsen MAT].

