What was your first-ever job? I come from a family of farmers so naturally my first job was in agriculture I was driving tractors with my dad.

What’s been your worst job interview? When I was in South Australia I went to a dairy farm where the farm owner said to me: “If you don’t get more litres of milk per cow than me I’ll beat you.” That definitely has to be the worst. It was quite scary actually.

What’s the first music single you bought? Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.

How do you describe your job to your mates? When my mates ask I just say “I make fruit juice and ice lollies” - it’s easier to explain it that way.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Probably seeing a brand being developed. Watching my ideas blossom and grow into my products is what I really love about this business.

What is the least rewarding part of your job? Dealing with buyers who just want to pay cheap prices. You pay for quality and that’s what you get with our products so it’s hard when all people want is cheap.

What is your motto in life? To enjoy it. As Aristotle said: “Quality is an act not a habit” and “happiness depends upon ourselves”.

What’s your nickname? Bean.

If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be? To see the kids succeed in what they do.

What’s your favourite movie and why? Hangover because I can relate to it: I’m pretty partial to a night out.

What’s been the most embarrassing moment in your life? Probably going on Dragons Den to present our Chilly Billys - it was really nerve-wracking.

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be? If he was alive I’d love to have Steve Jobs working with me because he’s an inspiration for getting things done.

If you could change one thing in grocery what it be? Healthier drinks for kids - ie less sugar.

What luxury would you have on your desert island? My kids because they’d keep me entertained and I love having them around and getting to spend time with them.

What animal best reflects your personality and why? I’d probably have to say a rabbit because I’m lively.