Name: David Peters
Job title: Director, sales & marketing
Company: Biovelop AB
Sales: undisclosed
HQ: Kimstad, Sweden
Number of employees: 30

What's it like to work for your company? Fun, exciting, challenging, stimulating.

Why is it a good employer? Biovelop creates a working environment that encourages creativity, teamwork, innovation and personal development.

What's the best thing about working there? The employees, although it is also great to be working in an area where you feel you can make a real difference to the health of consumers internationally.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Nothing that is really unusual but as we are targeting food and drink markets around the world, there are great opportunities to travel.

How does the company differ from its rivals? We work closely with food and beverage manufacturers throughout the world to help them create healthier, tastier products for their customers. Our oat beta glucan soluble fibre ingredient PromOat combines the recognised health benefits of oats with exceptional functionality in the context of an all-natural, clean-label ingredient, enabling manufacturers to incorporate the goodness of oats into a wide range of products.

Is there a definable company culture? Fresh and exciting, while aiming to be the best we can.

If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Volvo hybrid: proud of our Swedish roots, kind to our environment and leading the field in innovation.

What's the training like and what qualifications can I earn? We pride ourselves on helping our staff to develop so we are always ready to meet the needs of our customers.

Has the company won any awards? Our PromOat beta glucan ingredient was only launched last September but has already been shortlisted for several forthcoming awards.

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? We were proud to have PromOat included in a Marks & Spencer cholesterol-lowering Super Juice drink. M&S has been at the forefront of innovation in healthy foods and drinks for many years, and we are excited to be working with them.

Are you looking for any people right now and, if so, where? We are always interested in meeting talented people who share our vision of bringing healthy, natural ingredients to the consumer.

What tips would you offer jobseekers? Be creative, determined and think about what makes you stand out from the crowd. Above all, be honest!

Are you working on anything exciting at the moment? Porridge has seen a huge rise in popularity in the past few years and our PromOat enables our partners in the food industry to build on that demand by extending the popularity of oats into new areas. Watch this space for more details!