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Very much agree with all the comments here - I really cant see much thats positive about the new bread anywhere - especially on the Facebook Genius page/group !
It has caused me , like Terry Wright , bad digestive problems and in fact has made me quite ill over the past two days with bloating and other problems which are all typical of a food intolerance .
I made this comment on the FB group and was aksed to phone their customer services to discuss the problem - turned into almost and hours discussion !! Yes they listened , but the main problem still seems to be the shops lack of stock of the old original recipe bread . Of course Tesco are going to promote/stock a new product , goes without saying - but what happens when demand goes down because of the changes , will they return to stocking an old recipe - I am doubting it . !?!?
As for the ingredients .... I know they have added and changed some . One of the ingredients(I was told by Genius) has changed from an organic to a synthetic version (cant be exact but it had a chemical name - a tyoe of preservative ) , also the physillium husk type or content has changed too and they have added brown flax and sugar beet flake . I All in all the changes are not good for me, and plenty of others , and ultimately I would expect , not good for the company ??
So , anyone with an opinion or problem PLEASE contact Genius directly !! Discuss the issues and make your opinions known - the product is only two weeks old apparently and is still open to change . Im just very disappointed that I now cant have my daily bread without either searching the shops or ordering online . Shame , big shame !!

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