scot salmon

Higher prices and strong exports produced record half-year results for The Scottish Salmon Company, which saw revenues grow by 25% year on year in the period.

Revenues hit £72m over the first half of 2017, compared with £57.6m in the first half of 2016, according to the producer’s half-year results.

This growth was supported by higher prices amid strong demand for salmon and lower harvest volumes, which were down from 13,123 tonnes in the first half of 2016 to 11,617 tonnes in H1 2017.

Export volumes were also strong, making up over 50% of the producer’s total sales, compared with last year’s 42% after increased volumes to North America and the Far East.

“Export sales have risen exponentially in key territories like Japan,” said CEO Craig Anderson.

“Demand for premium quality Scottish salmon across the globe has never been higher and we have maximised the opportunities this provides, evidenced by a record half year performance.”

Over the six months, the producer also secured consent for a proposed site development in Portree on the Isle of Skye, which will add an additional 2,000 tonnes of salmon to its capacity.