Mary Carmichael
Findus is resurrecting its 1980s diet brand Lean Cuisine to help breathe life into Feeling Great! frozen ready meals, backing the banner with £2.5m.
The new portfolio, Feeling Great! Lean Cuisine, will include six new' recipes although Glazed Chicken may be familiar to those who remember Lean Cuisine the first time round.
FIndus has also dropped the standard price to £1.99, a move which puts the range on a par with most Weight Watchers frozen meals.
The company abandoned the Lean Cuisine brand when it launched Feeling Great! two years ago, preferring to position the range on a healthy platform rather than as a diet option. However, many consumers found the name confusing.
Retailers have applauded the decision to bring back Lean Cuisine but with reservations.
"I'm 100% behind the decision to bring back Lean Cuisine but I would prefer to see it as the main brand rather than the sub-brand," said one. "It has a stronger heritage in frozen and consumers know what they're getting."

