Sainsbury is trialling what it claims is a first-of-its-kind key tag for the Nectar loyalty card scheme in a bid to cut handling time at checkouts. The card, created by a US supplier to look and feel exactly like a mini credit card, has both a magnetic strip and a barcode to capture customers’ purchasing data in the most efficient way.
Similar versions of Tesco’s Clubcard and Somerfield’s Savercard feature just a barcode. However, Sainsbury is, as yet, unable to capture data from barcodes on the cards due to the configuration of its systems. A spokeswoman said its IT department was looking at ways to rectify the programming issue. Some 250 Nectar members from 18 partner companies and Loyalty Management UK, which runs the scheme, have been using the mini card since July. Among those testing the tag have been Sainsbury’s executives, including Justin King.
Phase two of the trial kicks off this week, with 100,000 members in Birmingham receiving mini cards in their Nectar mailing. Customer and company feedback will be reviewed in December, with a view to rolling it out nationwide by next summer, said LMUK client services director Brian Sinclair. The tag will initially be used in Sainsbury on the sideswipe of its chip and PIN terminals.