Booths has run nine events where it has met suppliers

Booths has listed more than 100 new suppliers since launching a new approach to buying designed to attract smaller companies.

The Northern chain launched a website in 2012 for aspiring suppliers which included a checklist to help them get products ready for sale, case studies and an online application form.

Early in 2013, it then started running regular ‘meet the buyer’ events so the best candidates had a chance to pitch their products.

Now after running nine such events, the latest of which took place last month, Booths said it had listed more than 100 new suppliers.

It had also received more than 2,000 applications and met with more than 600 suppliers.

Suppliers that have won listings include tortilla chips and salsas brand Marcela Flores, and Ogilvy’s, which makes fine honeys from around the world.

Ogilvy’s brand owner Xa Trading advised suppliers looking to gain a listing with Booths to do the necessary groundwork. “Do your homework! Prepare well for the ‘meet the buyer’ meeting as you only have 15 minutes, so you must get key points across about your product,” it said.