Tesco - Latest News and Analysis – Page 252

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    Fresh assault on UK giants


    Liberal Democrat international development spokesman Andrew George and environment campaign group Friends of the Earth have joined forces to launch a fresh assault against Britain’s supermarket giants.In particular, they say Tesco has created...

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    Asda ups ante in price war


    Fiona McLellandAsda is seizing the initiative in the battle on price in a bid to retain the upper hand over arch rival Tesco. The number two retailer was already following up its eighth successive Grocer 33 pricing survey win with a...

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    Tesco snatches triple Gold


    The Grocer News TeamTesco emerged triumphant from The Grocer Gold Awards 2005 after scooping a hat-trick of prizes, including the two most coveted accolades.Britain’s number one retailer was named Grocer of the Year and Britain’s Favourite...

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    Fairtrade rice now at Tesco


    The first rice to be certified by the Fairtrade Foundation was launched into Tesco this week as consumer demand for a wider variety of fairly traded products continues to rise.Community Foods has launched the basmati rice in 500g packs under...

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    Tesco rapped for drug offer


    Tesco has been rapped by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency for promoting two-for-one offers on painkillers in its stores.The MHRA said it could lead to the unnecessary purchase of medicines and stockpiling. It also...

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    C-sector: don’t scrap Sunday trading rules


    The convenience retail sector is up in arms over calls for Sunday trading rules for large stores to be scrapped.Tesco and Asda both support the proposed relaxation of rules, which could end the limited six-hour Sunday opening times for stores...

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    Tesco backing One Stop


    Tesco is showing its long-term support for the One Stop chain with the conversion of newly acquired stores to the fascia.The most recent shop to take the One Stop name is a former Londis store in the town of Porlock, Somerset.The retail...

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    Tesco pulls ahead of the competition


    Tesco has snatched the crown away from Asda and become Britain’s Favourite Supermarket – and also won two other accolades in this year’s awards. Siân Harrington reportsIt has been judged The Grocer of the Year for two years running by...

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    Tesco triumphs at Grocer Gold Awards


    Tesco swept the board at The Grocer Gold Awards last night – winning the top two prizes and the category award for best consumer initiative.Tesco was named Grocer of the Year and Britain's Favourite Supermarket at the awards dinner, held at...

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    Testing times for Tesco


    What are the implications of Tesco demanding accreditation for all spice suppliers for own label products, right back to first processing? Siân Harrington reportsJalapeno peppers may be hot but they have nothing on the heat emanating...

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    Spice limit rethink


    Tesco has signed up 50 spice ingredient companies to its list of provisional suppliers, one week after the deadline for applications passed.The creation of the list, an accredited roster from which its suppliers are obligated to choose spice...

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    Discontent rife at depots


    The supermarket distribution network is heading for turmoil following a series of rows over increased pressures on workers.Scanning technology, introduced at Tesco’s Thurrock depot and now being used by Sainsbury, sparked outrage this week at...

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    Imports offer wider choice


    Beer drinkers will have a wider choice this summer, with the launch of two imported brews.Weissbier Etalon will be available in Tesco after the beer won the Best New Imported Beer category in the chain’s Brewing Awards in 2004. Steve Holt,...

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    Breaking up is hard to do


    The New Economics Foundation has proposed curbing Tesco with a break up. Outrageous? Or viable? Rachel Barnes reportsThis week the New Economics Foundation – the independent think-tank that promotes “real economic wellbeing” –...

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    Tesco is ‘beef’s best customer’


    Tesco’s commitment to British beef is great news for the UK’s livestock farmers, according to John Dracup, producers’ club manager at St Merryn Foods.Dracup, speaking at Beef Expo 2005 in Wales this week, said: “I am convinced that St Merryn...

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    Supplier Spotlight


    Agricultural co-op turned limited company Branston traces the start of its growth back to when it began supplying potatoes to Tesco in 1990. It has since steadily acquired most of the other Tesco potato suppliers, and the multiple is its sole...

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    Tesco may want his lunch but Rose has other plans


    A year since he took up the helm at M&S Stuart Rose is out to make its business less schizophrenic, as he tells Siân HarringtonStuart Rose is visibly tired after a week in which he has been scrutinised on everything from whether...

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    Why lads go on top


    Tesco’s decision to move lads mags higher up shelves has received support from several quarters. But where does it end, asks Rod AddyGiven Tesco’s seemingly unstoppable success as a global retailer, it’s understandable it receives the...

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    Suppliers’ spice move fury


    Spice companies are up in arms after attempts by Tesco to steamroller through an initiative giving it control of ingredients purchasing.The multiple has banned primary own brand suppliers from using spice firms that do not comply with its new...

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    Channel Islands invitation


    The Channel Islands are poised to become a battleground between major mainland retailers including Tesco and Carrefour as politicians there invite them to bid for sites.The Grocer has learned there are at least three sites up for grabs that are...